hegel v10 phono stage
A high quality MM / MC phono stage that's not just for Hegel owners...

For some time now, Hegel have been setting the audio world on fire with their range of exceptional amplifiers, garnering a plethora of excellent reviews and hi-fi awards.
Hegel have now applied their knowledge of electronics and amplifier circuit design to produce a low-noise, high-quality moving magnet/moving coil phono stage - the new V10.

The V10 provides independent moving coil and moving magnet cartridge inputs.
As well as unbalanced RCA outputs, the V10 provides fully balanced XLR outputs, allowing connection to suitably equipped amplifiers, including most Hegel models (from the H120 upwards).
The V10 has all you need to get the most out of your record collection, regardless of your turntable, and whether you use a moving magnet or moving coil cartridge.
A row of dip switches for each channel allow variable control of gain, capacitance and impedance and switchable subsonic filter

The hegel V10 is supplied with a bespoke, offboard, dual-connection linear power supply to minimise noise and interference. While this is a high quality power supply utilising a large E-core transfromer, the V10 allows the addition of any number of after-market, third-party power supplies.
More details are available in the video below.